作者都是各自领域经过审查的专家,并撰写他们有经验的主题. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.
验证专家 在项目管理方面
28 的经验

Lir是一名项目管理专家和认证教练,他帮助公司进行组织变革和转换业务流程. She has consulted for a number of global companies, 包括谷歌和葛兰素史克(现为葛兰素史克公司), 拥有技术管理工商管理硕士学位.





在我们的视频通话中,工程经理,我们叫她乔吧,几乎没有眼神交流. 她似乎被剥夺了权力,失去了希望. I’d met Jo at a SaaS company in previous meetings as part of my 项目欧博体育app下载. But this was a 教练ing session, which made all the difference. 与咨询相反, which usually involves advising on solutions to business problems, 教练主要是倾听, 用几个关键的问题来帮助主题澄清他们的想法,并找出最好的前进方向.

辅导在以下方面尤其有用 组织变革管理, when roles and expectations can become confusing or unclear. But it can be used any time as a practical approach to support people who are struggling, or who need guidance to reach their full potential. 训练 已经证明了 参与,授权,和 激励人们 成就更多. Every company has individuals who could have a huge, positive business impact with the aid of 教练ing.

在我们第一次辅导结束的时候, Jo’s perspective had changed from “What do they 想要 from me?到“我自己想要什么??随着我们的进步, her confidence grew—she was able to be more assertive in her role, 拒绝不合理的要求, and even spend time on the professional development of junior team members. She was working more effectively and ensuring that her team was too; the positive impact rippled out to her projects and the wider business.

我做过项目管理和 公司运营顾问 多年来, 帮助广泛的业务定义和改进他们的工具和过程,并实现变更,以更有效地管理他们的项目和操作. 在我的 技能 在引入变更时(我们项目经理经常这样做),是否提高了成功的机会,因为人们在工作中感到更有成就感,更有动力.

正式学习并获得学位 教练资格 can give you a broad range of 工具 and models, but anyone can start 教练ing. 本指南将为你提供指导知识和基本技巧的基础,你可以在组织和日常生活中实施变革 项目管理活动.


教练的定义是 国际教练联合会 作为“与客户合作,在一个发人深省和创造性的过程中,激励他们最大限度地发挥他们的个人和专业潜力.“与教练交谈就像与治疗师交谈一样,但更注重目标和行动. 作为一个 教练,你完全专注于你的教练,帮助他们探索自己的想法——他们是专家. This is in contrast to a consultancy mindset, in which you are the hired expert.


需要 行为改变 经常被工作场所的变化所突出. 也许一个人已经搬进了 领导角色 and their old behaviors no longer fit; maybe they lack confidence or have built up some unproductive habits such as people-pleasing or abrasive communication.

For 教练ing to be successful, however, the person you’re working with must 想要 来改变他们的行为. 如果你想让一个团队成员更积极主动,但他们自己却觉得没有必要改变, 指导不太可能起作用. 如果团队成员表达了他们想要做出调整或者想要学习的东西, discuss whether they’d be interested in 教练ing for that area. 当 an individual agrees to participate in 教练ing, you can get started by following these four steps:

1. 调整期望,建立信任

开始之前, 和教练讨论一下什么是教练,以及它与你平时的互动有什么不同,这样你的期望就会一致. Ensure your 教练ing sessions are kept separate from “normal” work conversations by setting aside a specific slot dedicated to 教练ing; this will get you both in the right mindset. 混合 辅导与咨询 或者在同一场对话中进行管理可能会令人困惑,并可能导致不太成功的结果.

An essential part of this relationship is confidentiality. 在教练环境中, 教练需要能够信任你,向你提供比平时更多的个人信息. 他们需要知道,这些信息不会在教练谈话的背景之外被分享或使用. 建立信任是至关重要的,在将教练融入现有的专业关系时需要考虑到这一点, 所以在你们的讨论中包括这一点. 在教练方面, this is called “contracting” and is an essential first step in every 教练ing relationship.

2. 使用GROW模型

的GROW-goal, 现实, 选项, will—model is the simplest 教练ing structure for anyone to use in a work context. It was co-created by a pioneer of executive 教练ing, 约翰·惠特莫尔爵士, in the 1980s and is still one of the most popular methods today.

While the four areas below are in the order they should be discussed, it’s normal to jump back and forth between topics occasionally during conversation. 目标是将时间平均分配到每个区域.



定义一个成功的会话应该是什么样的. Revisit the goal with the 教练ee occasionally during the conversation:

  • 我们取得了良好的进展吗?
  • Is this still the best goal for this conversation?
  • 你刚才说的话对目标有什么影响?



这是一个受培训者倾向于花费大量时间的领域:让受培训者决定是否继续讨论. 有时 people simply need to vent at the expense of a forward-moving conversation. Your role as a 教练 is to keep an eye on the time and reflect what is happening, but the agenda is ultimately the 教练ee’s choice.



Let the 教练ee generate ideas that will help them move toward the goal. Avoid getting tied to one solution and refining it too early; instead, 总结和反思他们所提供的, 然后问问还有什么可能. 这里最困难的部分可能是阻止自己提出自己的想法或提出引导性问题. Only when the 教练ee has no more ideas to give should you suggest anything, 即便如此, offer it without judgment or detail: Let them reject, 忽略, 或者改变它.



  • 他们到底会做什么? 当?
  • 步骤是什么??
  • 风险和潜在的阻碍因素是什么?
  • 怎样才能提高成功的几率?
  • How committed are they to this path and what would help increase this commitment?

你可以主动提供帮助, 或许可以让他们负起责任, 或者用一种更实际的方式, but almost all the work should be done by the 教练ee.

3. Master the 训练 Conversation: 沉默, 强大的问题, Reflections

作为一个 教练, your side of the conversation is relatively minimal—but essential.

实践 沉默

  • 给教练足够的时间思考. Don’t jump in with your opinion or the next question; talking will interrupt their thought process.
  • 思考的时间 by Nancy Kline is a great resource for further information about the power of silence.


  • 敞开你的提问, 为了了解教练来自哪里,帮助他们更深入地了解自己. 一位同事会问:“你试过X吗??而教练会问:“你试过什么??”
  • Avoid “为什么” questions: These can lead to defensive answers.
  • 保持简单:问单一的问题,而不是把一堆复杂的想法和问题堆在一起.
  • Most importantly, focus only on questions; avoid giving answers or talking at length yourself. 这个环节是给教练讲的.


  • 听closely-really —to how the 教练ee is coming across and the meaning behind what they are saying.
  • 回想一下你所注意到的. Do they seem energized or subdued when talking about something? 他们是否多次使用某个短语? 你觉得他们有什么话没说吗? Could the way they’re coming across to others cause issues? Offer these observations neutrally: You could be wrong, but what you’re picking up on could push them to explore something important.
  • 如果可以的话,在会议期间偶尔用他们自己的措辞进行总结和解释. This can help them move on or generate new 选项. 有时, 当他们听到别人重复他们的想法时, 他们能更清楚地感知到不和谐.g., “所以,因为你在患流感的时候做了一个糟糕的演讲,你认为你可能会被解雇. 我理解对了吗?”).
  • Get the 教练ee to summarize for themselves and make notes at the end, 所以他们有自己的行动计划, 用他们自己的话来说.

4. 采取教练的态度

What underlies all this—and what the 教练ee will perceive—is your attitude. As their 教练, you need to regard them as the expert on their own life. They are capable of finding the best solutions for their problems. Aim for an attitude of curiosity, and what 教练es and therapists call 无条件的积极关注.

Your normal working relationship with the person might be friendly or fraught; you will no doubt have already formed opinions about them. Try to discard assumptions and discover the person anew. 这可能很困难, but you will more likely establish a trusting relationship and get a successful outcome. 你可能会发现这种改变的方法也会对你的职业关系产生持久的影响.


教练是一个强大的工具 专业和个人发展. 在商业环境中, 它在帮助人们适应变化和发挥自己的潜力方面非常有用. 在你的技能中加入指导会提高你的能力 项目管理能力 while improving the workplace experience of your team members, 整体企业文化, 以及项目成果.

不管你是在交付一个项目还是 改变整个组织, you’re working with people and they are the most critical element. 不管有多少新工艺, 工具, 或者你引入的模板, 你能做到的最大影响就是确保员工得到支持,以最佳状态工作——教练可以帮助你做到这一点.

This guide will enable you to get started on the 教练ing path, 但要确保你坚持阅读和学习. 你再擅长指导也不为过,而且它所承诺的授权总是互惠互利的.


  • 什么是组织变革管理?

    组织变革管理是一种系统的方法来指导企业通过结构的影响, 文化, 或者是面向过程的改变.

  • 变更管理的目标是什么?


  • 为什么变革管理指导很重要?

    变革管理指导在帮助人们理解和适应他们的角色和更广泛的组织的变化方面起着关键作用, and offers the support they need to reach their potential.



验证专家 在项目管理方面
28 的经验




Lir是一名项目管理专家和认证教练,他帮助公司进行组织变革和转换业务流程. She has consulted for a number of global companies, 包括谷歌和葛兰素史克(现为葛兰素史克公司), 拥有技术管理工商管理硕士学位.

作者都是各自领域经过审查的专家,并撰写他们有经验的主题. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.






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